The Bellman-Ford algorithm finds shortest paths from a starting node to all nodes of the graph. It can be also used to find if the graph contains a negative cycle.
def bellmanFord(N, start, edges):
distance = [inf] * N
distance[start] = 0
for _ in range(N - 1):
for a, b, w in edges:
distance[b] = min(distance[b], distance[a] + w)
The algorithm consists of rounds and iterates through all edges during a round. In practice, the final distances can usually be found faster than in rounds. Thus, a possible way to make the algorithm more efficient is to stop the algorithm if no distance can be reduced during a round.
Detect a negative cycle using Bellman-Ford algorithm
If the graph contains a negative cycle, we can shorten infinitely many times any path that contains the cycle by repeating the cycle again and again. Thus, the concept of a shortest path is not meaningful in this situation.
To detect the negative cycle, we can run the algorithm for rounds instead. If the distance is shorten during the last round, it indicates the graph contains a negative cycle.
- Time complexity:
- Space complexity: